Discovery Time (Bensalem, PA)

In 1987, then Lori Shetzline-Emmett, open the doors to the first Discovery Time which is located in Bensalem, PA. With her 3-year-old daughter, Ashley, in tow, the center opened with 5 rooms and served 65 children. Lori continued to live out this dream and in 1991, added an expansion to add 5 new rooms and were now serving 120 children.
Discovery Time Child Care and Preschool (New Albany, IN)

In 2003, after making a move to southern Indiana, Lori again opened the doors to new center and named it Discovery Time Child Care and Preschool, building on her legacy with Discovery Time. This facility served more than 110 children ranging from infants to school-age with a comprehensive summer camp program.
In 2020, Lori decided to begin slowing down a bit and decided to transition Discovery Time from a for-profit business to a not-for-profit. This decision allowed her to recruit a board of directors who would assume responsibility and turn the day-to-day operation over to tenured staff.
In January 2021, the new board opened Discovery Time Child Care and Preschool at Graceland Church in New Albany, IN. Since then, Discovery Time has opened new classrooms (serving nearly 200 children), implemented high-quality curriculum, and continued to invest in their staff.

Our Core Values
There is a genuine concern for each interaction -- this includes children, parents and staff.
We never settle for "good enough." Continually challenge the status quo and achieve what was not possible.
We know that all children are unique and have the right to reach their maximum potential.
Every child will experience a supportive and positive atmosphere.
It takes parents, teachers and children working together to achieve success.